Handmade ceramic artist video

This video shows the full record process of how Liang makes the ceramic sculpture - Transplant series. This video includes press molding, coil building, clay handbuilding, and assembling.

Handmade ceramic video artist

With a background in graphics and teaching, working with ceramics might have been seen as an afterthought, but in fact it has become what I think of as my first ‘proper’ career.

Handmade ceramic video artist

Throwing and Turning a Pottery Bowl with Cross-sections — ASMR Version

Making my own exotic plywood from scratch and fading them into a design was a lot of work but very enjoyable. Woodturning had been a hobby but something I would like to do more of.

Amazing Craft Woodturning Products - Recycling From A Burnt Wood To Stunning Design With Lathe

In this woodworking video I use a woodturning lathe to turn a seasoned piece of Apple wood burl into an ornate goblet, (with a twist).